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How to carry out a weekly test on my fire alarm?

Mar 19, 2021

"How do I carry out my weekly fire alarm test" is probably one of the most common questions that we get asked when we visit a new site, it's important that users carry out the correct weekly tests of their fire alarm system to make sure that the system is operating correctly.

Weekly user tests aren't designed to be thorough tests of the system but they do help to make sure that the system is still operating correctly in between service visits and also give building occupants the chance to become familiar with the alarm tones, so they know what they are listening out for in the even of a real fire alarm.

You'll want to carry out the test, during normal working hours at around the same time each week, if your business operates shifts, you may need to add another test or two into additional shift patterns so that those workers are able to become familiar with the alarm as well.

Weekly tests are also a great way for businesses to identify any potential issues with audibility throughout their premises, this can vary with building use, types of work and occupants.

For example, you may have introduced new processes which have increased background noise, making it difficult to hear the alarm in that area, maybe new fire doors have been fitted or partition walls added?

Perhaps you have changed your working practices and have staff working remotely in different areas of the building or members of staff or visitors are hard of hearing?

As the building occupants, you have the best understanding of some of these factors, particularly around the use and occupants of the building, so weekly fire alarm testing gives you a great opportunity to address some of these questions and make sure that audibility is sufficient throughout the building, often times, the rest of the issues around audibility will have been identified in your report by your fire alarm service provider, if your still unsure or need a fire alarm service and maintenance provider get in touch with Liberty Systems today.

Liberty Systems service engineers provide free user training at each service visit as needed so that should help you to stay confident in using your fire alarm system.

Luckily though... weekly user tests are pretty straight forward, so lets jump in to the step by step process.

1 - Put your system "On Test" with the ARC
This is an important first step, if your site is monitored for fire alarm signals, you'll need to contact the Alarm Receiving Centre and put your system on test first, if you're not monitored then you can skip this test (get in touch if you require monitoring)

2 - Make sure that building occupants are aware of the test.
By doing the test at the same time each week and making sure that staff are aware of the test days and times you'll have this one covered, if your building accepts visitors, its a good idea to make them aware if you are going to be testing the alarm

3 - Test the system by activating a Manual Call Point

Use the test key provided to activate a Call point (you should activate a different call point each week)

Once you have activated the call point you'll need to reset it, otherwise when you reset the fire alarm panel, the alarms will sound again!

4 - Make sure that the fire alarm sounders are working and that the fire alarm panel is operating correctly.

When you have activated the manual call point the sounders should activate throughout the building and the fire alarm panel should show the fire indication and the zone (you can see which zone by looking at your zone plan)

You don't need to walk around the entire building to check every sounder but its a good idea to make sure that staff raise any concerns of poor audibility after the test.

You may also notice that any other outputs on the system activate as well, this should release mag locks on doors, raise roller shutters and bring lifts to ground station for example.

5 - Silence the Alarm

This is a pretty simple step, Enable controls on your fire alarm panel (either using a key or a code) and then press 'Silence'

6 - Reset the Alarm

You've already enabled the controls on the fire alarm panel at this point so now its just a case of pressing 'Reset'

7 - Check that the panel is clear

You should now just be able to see the Green Power supply light on the panel.

If you have other lights showing on your system, such as faults, you'll need to contact your fire alarm servicing company to get this checked out. If you need a fire alarm servicing or maintenance company, contact Liberty Systems today, our team are always happy to help.

8 - Check that the ARC received the fire alarm signal

Give the Alarm Receiving Centre a call back and make sure that they saw the fire alarm signal at their end.

9 - Record the test in the Fire Alarm Log Book

Make sure you fill out the weekly test section of the logbook, along with any additional notes and comments

Its a good idea to number each call point in the building as well, this makes filling in the logbook a doddle.

Hopefully that helps you to carry out your weekly fire alarm tests with ease and removes some of the confusion, remember that you also need thorough testing, maintenance and servicing of your fire alarm system to be carried out by a competent servicing organisation, Call Liberty Systems today, Fire Safety is what we do, we're here to help with competitively priced service plans, round the clock support and free user training at service visits, covering all user requirements, including weekly fire alarm tests!

Take a look at our Fire Alarm User Manuals for a bit more information on your system.

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